4 Common Funeral Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

4 Common Funeral Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In many cultures, a funeral is one of those topics people don’t want to discuss. However, it’s one of the unavoidable circumstances in the cycle of life. According to statistics, over 2 million funerals take place in the US alone each year. The only way to make this difficult time better for your loved ones is by pre-planning. Avoid the following mistakes and make this difficult time go on as smoothly as possible.

1- Waiting until a Death Is Likely to Occur Soon

Most individuals wait until the last minute to plan their funeral or that of their loved ones. Unfortunately, at this moment, the individual is tired and probably sick and in so much pain to fully make conscious decisions. To avoid leaving your loved ones burdened at their time of grieve sitting down with a funeral director and pre-planning for your funeral is vital. During this time, you’re able to make all your last wishes known, including your will. If you or one of your loved ones suffers from a life-threatening illness, pre-planning is one way to ease the pressure on your loved ones.

2- Not Communicating with Your Family

When pre-planning for your funeral, talking to your family is just as important as talking to a professional. Therefore, ensure that they are on the same page as you to avoid last-minute surprises. Remember, their input to the planning process is just as important as yours. Moreover, you want to ensure that they know who to contact if you pass on. Decisions like whether it should be a cremation service or your burial should be the traditional burial service if not discussed with family can result in a huge disagreement after you’ve passed on. Although this might feel difficult to talk about, it’s an excellent way for them to get closure.

3- Not Having a Budget

Funerals can be pretty expensive, hence why it’s crucial to have a budget. Sometimes, it might be tempting for the individuals left behind to let their emotions dictate what to purchase. To avoid the enormous financial burden that might occur, preparing a funeral budget beforehand is crucial. Having burial insurance is a great way to ease the financial strain caused by expensive burials. Individuals with a life-threatening illness are aware that they might die at some time soon. However, that doesn’t mean that you should not plan for your funeral if you’re healthy. Accidents and sudden illnesses can occur at any point in life. Luckily, burial insurance is affordable.

4- Failing to Clarify Your Final Wishes

Once you set up a meeting with the funeral director, ensure that you have a list of everything you need. Not mentioning your desired burial place or who you would like to be invited to might make the burial planning in the available short time difficult. Once you’ve made your funeral invitation wishes, your family will have an easy time estimating the attendee’s needs.

After the loss of a loved one, emotions are very high. Planning for a funeral for your funeral or that of your loved one at this challenging time can be overwhelming. However, proper pre-planning for a funeral allows your family and close friends to have peace of mind as they morn. Besides, you don’t want the last thing your family and friends remember about you to be a horrible funeral event. Ensure that your funeral plan fits the money set aside for your funeral. For individuals with burial insurance, ensure that the plan fits your package. Avoid the above mistakes and make your burial or that of a loved one a success.

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