The practice of acupuncture is over 3500 years old. Its tradition in healing began in China with a theory of using tiny needles, pressure, and the body’s natural heat applied to various parts of the body. When vibrating or manipulating these points, the body releases healing energy called the “chi.” There are over 365 acupuncture chi sections where needles are inserted to restore balance and energy.
Ancient healing arts like acupuncture believe that pain and illness is simply an imbalance or a temporary redirection of the body’s life force energy that must be corrected. Neither Medicare nor Medicaid covers acupuncture even though the National Institute of Health suggests that acupuncture works well to alleviate migraine headaches, back/neck pain, and more.
Acupuncture is used by certified practitioners as well as medical professionals like physicians, osteopathic physicians, dentists, and chiropractors. Its use is governed by several acclaimed organizations like the World Health Organization, The World Federation of Acupuncture, and the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the use of its disposable sterile needles.
Identified as an integrative form of medicine and complementary healing therapy, acupuncture has a positive standing in various medical fields for safely healing men, women, and children. Chinese medical reports have proven that acupuncture is effective in addressing illnesses that affect the neurological system, the digestive system, the gynecological system, cardiovascular system, muscles, bones, the skin and much more.
Granted that acupuncture is not a panacea, but over time, its therapeutic treatments have helped improve many health diseases and conditions. This ancient healing methodology has been used to treat nearly every part of the human body.
Modern medicine has embraced its use in standard medical practices. Even though acupuncture is associated with controlling pain, well-trained acupuncturists can use its effect in wider medical exercises.
It can be used as the only treatment or as a supplement with other medical solutions including surgical procedures. For example, it is used in different women’s health issues like pregnancy and fertility management. Fertility acupuncture in Boston has experienced successful healthy pregnancies by using it solely or in combination with in vitro fertilization or other fertility treatments.
Patients have experienced relief and healing from acupuncture in sports injuries, anti-aging treatments, in learning disability modalities, and chronic stress or depression illnesses. As another example, acupuncture needles can help to smooth facial wrinkles and stimulate skin hydration that gives your skin a healthy younger glow without invasive procedures.
There are several different types of acupuncture techniques and not all involve needles:
1. Cupping
Needles are not used in this form of acupuncture, instead, specialized cups are used to draw the skin into the sterile cup. There is air cupping, wet cupping, and dry cupping. Each cupping technique is different but with healthy, rejuvenating results. Cupping therapy aids in treating gastrointestinal problems, it improves blood circulation and helps prevent liver disease.
2. Electroacupuncture
Electroacupuncture uses needles inserted into the skin but in pairs. A safe electrical current passes in between the needles at the acupuncture body part. Electroacupuncture is used to treat different addictions, nausea from chemo, arthritis, and more.
3. Moxibustion
Moxibustion has been used to treat colds, arthritis, diarrhea, pain, and OB/GYN procedures. As a heating therapy, an acupuncturist holds a scented herbal candle a few inches above the area to be treated or places smoking herbal mounds on top of the skin. This acupuncture method is designed to treat low-immunity illnesses, depression, supports certain pregnancy issues, inflammations, and more.
4. Tui Na
Depending on why Tui Na therapy is needed, this massage solution can be used as deep-tissue massage therapy or just gentle pressure techniques. Tui Na therapy is intended to reach the body’s deeper energy levels. Tui Na is also used in combination with needle-based acupuncture, moxibustion, and cupping, as well as herbs. The benefits from Tui Na therapy includes curing insomnia, alleviating moodiness, reduction of body pain, and other specific health problems.
Acupuncture is proving to be an effective alternative or adjunct to traditional treatments for a variety of ailments. Its pain-relieving benefits are mostly experienced in different types of arthritis conditions. As we have learned, acupuncture is also used to address infertility, heart disease, joint pain, and nausea as it relates to chemo treatments and pregnancy. Since acupuncture has so many positive effects on the body without any side effects, it is an important partner with traditional medical treatment plans.