The process of recovery from substance use disorder is a time consuming and tedious task. You have to try your level best to curtail the symptoms of substance abuse and deal with relapse. Although relapse seems like the last thing happening to an individual, it is the most common problem cropping up during the recovery process. The contemporary time has witnessed up to 80% of cases where long term sobriety got challenged. These individuals experienced at least one relapse in their journey to sobriety.
Some of them did experience lasting recovery. Whatever the situation is, you must aim to take steps with strong willpower. When you are mentally prepared, you will be able to avoid the risk of relapse for those new in the recovery process. You must understand the process of staying sober and make efforts in the same direction.
How can drug addicts attain sobriety?
First and foremost, you have to understand that the long-term recovery process requires dedication and effort. For individuals who are on their track to recovery, they need both internal and external support. Internally, their body has to respond to the medication provided externally; it compels family members and medical practitioners’ backing. Apart from this, take a quick look at the following points in reasonable details
• Identification of personal triggers: when it comes to preventing relapse, you have to understand the external stimuli, which include things, places, people and situations which arouse cravings and thoughts associated with drug use. In addition to this, your internal triggers include emotions, thoughts, and feelings related to the abuse. After you identify the risks, you can create a plan for preparing to avoid them. The widespread triggers include emotional distress, stress, relationship troubles, environmental cues, financial or job problems, and people who are still drinking or using drugs.
• Recognition of relapse warning signals: another very significant thing in the process of recovery is the recognition of warning signs. Keep in mind that the process of relapse begins well before you pick up a drug or drink. It takes place in three phases, which include mental relapse, emotional relapse, and physical relapse. According to rehab centers in Omaha, the warning symptoms of reversal include engaging in self-defeating and compulsive behavior. Also, returning to addictive thinking patterns. In addition to this, when you seek out situations that involve people who use drugs and alcohol and think less rationally, it will tell you that you are undergoing relapse. Also, when you find yourself in a situation where you cannot resist alcohol or drugs, you are more likely to suffer from a relapse.
• Preparing for PAWS: you may opt for PAWS or post-acute withdrawal syndrome to treat your dependency. It may last for a long time, between six months to two years, depending on the case. There are various symptoms associated with this condition. It ranges from sleep troubles to irritability to intermittent anxiety and prolonged depression. In case your dependency is severe, you may take the help of inpatient drug rehab centers available all across the world. It is because these centers have specially trained individuals and a prolonged supportive environment. In this regard, inpatient drug rehab in Arlington, VA, is a choice to consider as they have a team of professionals. They take special care of their patients and make provisions for their mental and physical wellbeing.
• Avoid former habits and routines: there is justification to quit drugs and continue with natural life. In this regard, when you hang onto the same ritual and mix around with the same people in the same places, there are chances that relapse will occur. It is much easier to get back into former habits and behaviors. A few of the immediate alterations become mandatory to prepare a new plan, work on a new routine, expecting to remain sober, and other related aspects. You also have to change your personal and professional obligations if need be.
• Formulating healthy relationships: once you have attained sobriety, you will get to know that your past relationships were unhealthy and downright toxic. Not only downright dealers but your drinking buddies have catered to increasing your troubles. Sometimes, those individuals who are closest can contribute to the problem of relapse. In this scenario, joining a support group and spending time with them is crucial.
In addition to this, you have to develop a structured schedule that will remind you of your daily life obligations. Apart from this, practicing healthy living habits is crucial. From regular exercise to regular eating to getting ample quality sleep, you have to take care of your health. You must focus on financial issues to keep your personal and professional life in place. Staying calm and cool irrespective of the situation is another significant aspect associated with this process. You can achieve sobriety only with firm determination and will power.