Creating a Modern Website
Website design has come a long way since the early days of the internet. Gone are the flashing gifs, frames, and clunky layouts, replaced with sleek and modern sites that have all the bells and whistles of mobile-friendly devices. Dr. Jordan Sudberg gives tips on creating a modern website, including tools, tools, and more.
Tips on Making a Modern Website Design
1. Be minimal
It’s all about the content, and everything that you do should support your online presence. The simplest design will serve the purpose of the customer, so focus on this and make it easy for people to browse.
2. Be mobile-friendly
Mobile devices are becoming more common than ever before, so you need to be prepared to handle them. Modern web pages should be in a proper format optimized for mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones.
3. Embed video, but not too much
Video is the key to a successful website design because one can use it to show images in a way that words cannot. Videos can explain things much better than text, so you should use them when appropriate. However, you should also make sure that there are plenty of other interactive features on the page.
4. Use HTML5 video and audio
HTML5 is the future of video, so you should embed it on your page. It offers more than just a way to play videos; you can also add interactive features to them and add new features to the paragraph that contains them.
5. Remove all old code
All pages must be optimized for mobile devices, so you shouldn’t make sure there isn’t any code from the past. You need to remove all the outdated code that is still in your design to be properly optimized.
How Professionals Can Create a Modern Website
STEP 1: Generate a Sitemap
The first thing to do when creating a modern website is generate a sitemap. It will help you see where your website is and where it isn’t. You can use something like Adobe Dreamweaver or Adobe Muse to create the sitemap and see how it will look on different screens.
STEP 2: Create Wireframe Sketches
Next, you should create wireframe sketches of the homepage and each page on your website. These sketches will help you determine where things should go and how they appear.
STEP 3: Bring Your Sketches to Life
After creating the sketches, all you have to do is bring them to life using your favorite web design software. It includes Adobe Muse or HTML5. These tools make it easy for you to get your website up and running in no time flat.
STEP 4: Test and Publish
Test your website to make sure that it works. It would help if you made sure that mobile users can use the site and that it is free of errors, bugs, and other problems. Finally, you should publish your website for all the world to see.
Building a modern website is not easy, but one can do it. The key to a good design is to start with a good plan, and the rest will come naturally. Dr. Jordan Sudberg has been involved in creating hundreds of websites, and he has developed a system for designing them and can help you design your own polished, modern site.