Ever wondered why the ancient Egyptian pyramids have managed to last for over 4,000 years to date? The answer is because of their solid foundation. Just like these wonders of the world, your supplement regime needs to be as solid as a rock.
If your diet plan fails to provide sufficient quantities of essential vitamins and nutrients consistently, you will soon suffer a deficiency. To address your dietary needs, you need to consume quality supplements, like the once featured on https://www.simplynutrients.com/.
Figures and numbers
Recent 2019 polls indicate up to 82% of American adults are confident in the efficiency of supplements. At the forefront are vitamins and minerals. The US dietary supplements market is projected to rise to $56.7 billion by 2024.
This is due in part thanks to increased interest by millennials looking to improve their overall health.
Benefits of using supplements
- The primary reason why most people take multivitamins and other supplements is to enhance overall health. A large intake of vitamin D plus calcium helps build bone mass during both childhood and adolescence stages.
It also leads to a slower rate.
- Nutritional supplements are helpful in addressing women’s increased nutritional needs during pregnancy. Most doctors prescribe a healthy dose of prenatal multivitamins with minerals to ensure both the mother and baby’s needs are met.
Four essential nutrients
- Multivitamins
Right off the bat, one of the most crucial supplements for your body’s foundation is a daily dose of multivitamins/minerals. Most people make the mistake of assuming that basic minerals and vitamins are outdated.
From mineral zinc to vitamin A, your body relies on these nutrients for optimal performance. You can do without the latest herb on Amazon that promises to cure almost everything, but guess what, you can’t live without the essential minerals and vitamins.
There are your basic multivitamins, which provide minimal amounts of essential nutrients, and then there are the robust multivitamins that deliver ideal full spectrum doses of essential nutrients.
So, what’s the difference between the two? This lies in the dosage amount. Your basic multivitamin is based on the government’s recommended dietary allowance (RDA), while the latter is dependent on what’s known as the Ideal Daily Intake (IDI).
- Probiotics
The other foundation for excellent health is probiotics. These good-for-you bacteria inhabit your gastrointestinal tract. After all, as they say, you are only as healthy as your gut.
When the gut is compromised, it won’t matter how nutritious your food is; your body won’t manage to absorb the nutrients efficiently. Additionally, close to 70% of your immune system is located within your gut.
The trick is to find a balance between the good and bad bacteria in your gut. If you don’t work to attain this balance, your immunity and digestive systems will suffer the consequences.
To ensure you fully benefit from these foundational blocks, try and limit your antibiotics intake- they kill both the good and bad bacteria. Also, try and avoid or limit the number of cigarettes, stress, and alcohol intake.
- Ubiquinol Coenzyme ten
The third essential supplement for your health is Ubiquinol Coenzyme Ten- Q10. This single supplement can have a significant effect on your overall health and well-being. The coenzymes catalyze all the chemical reactions in your body that sustain life.
In essence, if your Q10 levels are low, your organs will suffer, you won’t experience any fatigue, leading to every cell in your body being drained. Your body naturally produces this compound. But, as you get older, less and less of it gets produced.
- Omega-3 fatty acids
The fourth building block to a sturdy nutritional foundation for optimal health is Omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Simply put, these fatty acids are healthy. Also referred to as “essential fatty acids,” they are crucial to your health.
Ironically, your body can’t make these fatty acids. So, it would be best if you found a way of getting them, either through your diet or supplements. The recommended minimum dose for an adult is between 300 -500 mg each day.
How much of the essential nutrients do you need?
To address this notion, the US introduced the use of Suggested Dietary Allowances in the 1940s. Other nations have comparable suggestions meant to stop deficiency and promote normal growth, development, and optimal health for their citizens.
Many factors need to be considered to answer this, including age, sex, occupation, and even ethnicity.
Some nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium require an Adequate Intake level rather than the Recommended Dietary Allowance to help with your overall well-being. Consult a certified medical practitioner for further guidance.