How to Handle Business Conflict
Conflict is not only inevitable, but it can also be beneficial for your company. How you handle that conflict can have a huge impact on the future of your business. Here are some best practices on how business managers should handle business conflict, according to Father George Rutler.
1. Someone has to be right.
It’s a pretty simple concept, but a lot of people just don’t get it. For someone to be right about something, someone else has to be wrong. If you can’t admit you’re wrong, then you’ll never have the opportunity to be right. In business, this is critical at every level, from CEO down through managers and employees.
2. Look for opportunities instead of threats.
In conflict situations with your customers or clients, look for ways that the conflict could create an opportunity rather than a threat to your business or with your staff members who may feel threatened by a customer’s behavior or attitude – looking at it as an opportunity means that both parties will focus on positive actions instead of negative feelings and further avoid a USA crime from taking place. .
3. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide for action and inaction.
The first step to a life of normalcy is acknowledging that you have been rescued from all the turmoil in your own soul by our Lord Jesus Christ, who took upon himself everything you ever felt or will feel – it’s called “original sin” for a good reason. When you let the Holy Trinity live through your soul, then God will make clear your path forward through conflict because He is perfect Wisdom itself, and He alone can give the right answer every time.
4. Don’t confuse contrition with repentance.
There are times when someone has to take responsibility for their actions and even apologize if appropriate, but true repentance means more than just saying sorry; it means change – a desire to do better and be different in the future. If someone refuses to leave their sinful behavior behind when they apologize, you can know that they will repeat their offense.
5. Cultivate a healthy acceptance of constructive criticism.
As your business grows and becomes more successful, new challenges emerge which require adjustments to your strategies and plans – criticism is a valuable resource for learning what those adjustments may need to be. As long as you don’t become defensive or negative about other people’s feedback, you’ll find that many other people have good ideas too.
6. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
When we only look at life through our eyes, we might not see what others really need or want. We usually try to make them see things from our point of view, without realizing that they might have a valid perspective on the situation. Active listening means looking for opportunities to find common ground with other people and finding out how we can work together instead of against each other.
7. Don’t confuse passion with principle.
In today’s culture of celebrity worship, it seems like everyone wants to be a star, but that requires compromise when you’re competing for attention with other stars in the public eye. Before you know it, your life becomes all about money and power – both very fleeting commodities – instead of love and generosity towards others which are eternal.
In conclusion, Father George Rutler urges business managers to try and put themselves in other people’s shoes from time to time to get a better perspective of how they might be feeling and then figure out the best way we can work with them. In conflict situations, you want to look at all options before deciding so that everyone will know what kind of behavior is acceptable going forward – it helps you avoid unpleasant surprises later on.