How You Can Use Facebook Watch for Business Marketing

In 2017, Facebook launched its own version of Youtube – Facebook Watch. On this platform, users can upload and watch videos for free, provided they have a Facebook account.

What sets this video streaming platform apart from others is its integration with social media. On Youtube, people aren’t following their friends, they are following channels that produce the content they like. On Facebook Watch, however, users can check out what videos their friends have been watching, as it is integrated with Facebook. 

So, how can you utilize this platform to market your business? This article will outline some of the best methods of marketing within Facebook Watch, and how you can get started today.

Provide a Service

Marketing doesn’t have to be an obvious advertisement. In fact, many users will simply swipe right past anything that remotely resembles an advertisement on Facebook Watch. 

This creates an opportunity for you to be creative with how you market your business. A great way of going about this is to make videos that provide assistance or information to those watching it. For example, a local restaurant could make videos on how they prepare some dishes to both promote their business and to teach people.

A great example of this kind of marketing can be found at this Facebook Watch page, as they give awards to various businesses. 

Influencer Marketing

Like every social media platform, Facebook Watch comes with its own collection of popular influencers that have a very loud and persuasive voice. Putting your content on one of the most subscribed channels on Facebook Watch is a sure way to spread the word. 

All you need to do is approach some influencers on Facebook Watch with a proposal to include a sponsored message about your business. Keep in mind, you may have to send out a lot of messages as some people won’t want to have you sponsor their video. 

If you’re looking to contact some influencers to promote your content, check out this article that outlines some basic information on influencer marketing. 

Facebook Ads

Another way to promote your business on Facebook Watch is to use the ad feature that Facebook provides. Simply head on over to the Facebook Ads Manager page, and set up your ad page to get started.

There are countless guides available on the Facebook Ads Manager page, and they will allow you to maximize your ad’s success. For example, you can customize the audience type that will view your ad. If your product is only targeted toward men, then you can change the audience to match that.

For a comprehensive guide on how to create an ad on Facebook, check out this guide

Wrapping It Up

We hope you are able to take away something new from this article, and apply it to your marketing strategies for your business. Facebook Watch is an emerging platform that has seen a lot of success for business marketing, and we recommend giving it a shot for your business.

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