Consumer Organization
The next speaker of the second session is Nuria Rodriguez from BEUC, the European umbrella organization of 34 national consumer organizations. According to BEUC, the new proposals are a major improvement over what is now, for both citizens and businesses. Ensuring that the right to data protection is not violated is a huge challenge as it is increasingly profitable to process data.
One concern of BEUC is the lack of transparent information provided by companies to citizens about the collection, processing and sometimes commercialization of their data. This information is often so inaccessible that citizens rely on default settings. BEUC values the new provisions that require clarity and comprehensibility of information and also welcomes the possibility for consumers to take legal action if the right to data protection is infringed.
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Rodriguez, on behalf of BEUC, expresses support for the principle behind the right to be forgotten, but emphasizes that the proposals are insufficiently developed because of the possible conflict with freedom of expression: the implementation in practice cannot result in communication being filter. It further welcomes the right to data portability, which is a solution to the reports it receives that digital service providers often claim ownership of personal data. BEUC further state that the provision regarding profiling should be better develop.
Finally there is a lot of support from BEUC for the proposed broad reporting obligation, with clear guidelines about notification and sufficient possibilities for claiming compensation. BEUC further states that the provision regarding profiling should be better develop.
There is a lot of fear among consumers and a great lack of knowledge about its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the proposal should be complement by the obligation to provide clear information about the technique use and their impact on those concern. Finally, there is a lot of support from BEUC for the proposed broad reporting obligation, with clear guidelines about notification and sufficient possibilities for claiming compensation.
Also read: help with right to be forgotten
Claiming Compensation
Therefore, the proposal should be complement by the obligation to provide clear information. About the technique use and their impact on those concern. Finally there is a lot of support from BEUC for the proposed broad reporting obligation. With clear guidelines about notification and sufficient possibilities for claiming compensation.
European Parliament
Finally Simon Davies professor at the London School of Economics. Talks about the multi-stakeholder assessment which he has carried out and is still carrying out. On behalf of the rapporteurs from the European Parliament. Davies says that over the summer bee interviewed 2,000–3,000 individuals. Through social networks and social events, to find out what’s going on among the general public. Disturbing results come from this.
To start on the positive, Davies says the principle behind the new regulation are widely support, even by skeptic. A second positive result is that data protection infrastructure is overwhelmingly support by the public. However, There is no agreement among the people consult about the individual part of the new regulation. Firstly, the regulations mainly concern the private sector, while the bulk of the conversations have focused on the public sector.
Data Protection
With respondents distrusting the government due to the rise of the surveillance state (the government as Big Brother). Second there is a widely share view of the inability. And even failure of government agency when it come to data protection. This view is not universal and is less prevalent in large parts of Germany. Some Scandinavian countries and France, but there is cynicism about the power of the rule of law in this area.
Davies argues that there seems to be a law that where citizens demand strict definitions. Companies want the opposite and vice versa. This is visible in all areas of the new regulations and according to Davies. It is therefore necessary to look for the point. Where citizens and companies most come together, however difficult that may be.
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Kind of Measure
From the discussions Davies has identified 28 points where there is a like-minded need for binding definitions and more transparency. At the top of the list are the national regulators – their strength, steadfastness, consistency and technical knowledge. When discussing all kinds of measures at a detailed level, such as privacy by design.
The cynicism that shows that people need evidence before they can trust government continues to emerge. According to Davies the main message from the study is that the large amount of delegated. Powers in the proposals is fueling this mistrust.