4 Preventative Care Tips to Have Your Heater Working Properly

4 Preventative Care Tips to Have Your Heater Working Properly

As the weather gets colder, you’ll rely on your heater to keep your home warm and comfortable. But if your heater isn’t working properly, repairs or replacement costs could cost you a lot of money. That is why it’s crucial to take preventative steps to ensure that your heater runs efficiently throughout winter. Here are four tips to keep in mind.

1. Schedule an Annual Professional Tune-Up

Like your car, your heater needs to be serviced regularly to ensure it runs efficiently. That is the best way to keep your system running smoothly and prevent small issues from turning into big problems. Schedule a yearly tune-up with a qualified HVAC technician. During the tune-up, the technician will inspect your heater and clean any accumulated dirt or debris over the year.

A professional tune-up will also help to identify any potential problems so that they can fix them before they cause major damage. They will check for wear and tear and make the necessary repairs. The investment will save you a lot of money in the long run by preventing more serious problems from developing. Be sure to find a reputable heating contractor who can service your specific type of heater.

2. Change Your Furnace Filter Regularly

Your air filter helps to remove dust and other contaminants from the air, but it can become clogged over time. Dirty filters restrict airflow causing the furnace to work harder than it needs to. A filter needs replacement every three months, but checking yours monthly during winter is recommended. If you don’t change it regularly, your heater will have to work harder to circulate air, resulting in high energy bills and a short lifespan. Changing the filter every month will ensure that your furnace continues to run smoothly and efficiently all winter.

3. Keep Your Vents and Registers Clear

It’s important to ensure that nothing is blocking the vents or intake of your heater. Otherwise, it won’t be able to operate properly and could overheat. Obstructions can prevent warm air from circulating properly, causing your furnace to work overtime. Be sure to vacuum or dust around vents and registers regularly. You should keep combustible materials such as magazines or rugs at least three feet away from your heater. They are not only a fire hazard but can also impede airflow and reduce efficiency.

4. Invest in a Quality Thermostat

A quality thermostat will help regulate your home’s temperature and prevent your furnace from working overtime. Look for a programmable model that can be set to turn on and off at specific times. That will help to save energy and lower your heating bills by automatically adjusting the temperature when you’re not home. Look for a model with features like auto-scheduling and energy usage reports. Be sure to read the instructions carefully to use your new thermostat properly.

It is often out of sight and out of mind, but your home’s heater is essential to keeping your family home warm and comfortable all winter. As the cold weather sets in, it’s essential to ensure your heater works properly to prevent any issues. Regular maintenance and care will extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the road. Following these simple tips, you can keep your heater running all winter efficiently.

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