It can often be difficult for women to stay on the career path. If you’re planning to take a break for maternity leave, or are returning to your job after a period of caring, then you might be wondering how you can boost your career and get to the next level. While a career break can slow you down, here are some tips to keep you on the right track.
- Move to a new city
Some cities have limited job opportunities, especially in certain fields, so you may need to consider moving somewhere new to improve your career prospects. While a move sounds like a stressful event, you can book Sydney removals online and do research into your new area. Some companies even carry out interviews via video link, so you can get a new job in a new city without having to leave your state.
- Become better organised
The sad truth is, women still do most of the domestic work in homes and have to take responsibility for looking after everything from the kids to houseplants. There are lots of online tips for busy career women, which can help you to juggle things more effectively, and don’t be afraid to ask for help during busy periods. There are also some simple things you can do such as writing everything down and keeping a calendar, which can help you stay organised.
- Network
A lot of women are scared of networking, but there are lots of opportunities to do so and it can help you take your career to the next level.
Some places you can network include:
- Women’s conferences
- Networking events
- Work events
- Away days
It’s worth developing some networking skills if you can. Many jobs and promotions come about through networking, and you never know who you might meet or where you might end up.
- Move into a new industry
For many years, women tended to stick to a few industries and often limited their own career options. Nowadays, women are moving into male-dominated industries from construction to agriculture at a record rate, so you can feel more confident if you want to try something new.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for new opportunities
Many women miss out on career opportunities because they’re afraid to go after what they want. If you’re aiming for a promotion or want to take on something new, speak to your boss or find a way to take on new responsibilities. If you are unhappy in your role, don’t be afraid to find a new one. It’s important to be bold and to take ownership of your career.
Whether you’re a woman who has just started out, or someone who has taken a career break, it may be time to look at ways to boost your career. Women will often neglect their career, as they are busy doing other things and caring for other people, but it’s never too late to pick things up and get yourself on the path you’ve always wanted to take.