6 Key Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

6 Key Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc arises due to injury of the outer fibers of the intervertebral disc. The condition mainly occurs in the lumbar spine and cervical spine. A herniated disc usually occurs on one side of the body. It is more common among young and middle-aged adults.

Symptoms of a herniated disc vary. This depends on the size of the herniation and the position of the herniated disc. The symptoms become more fatal if the herniated disc is pressing on a nerve.

1. Arm, Shoulder, or Leg Pain

If a herniated disc occurs in your neck, then you will feel pain in your arm and shoulder. If it is a lumbar spine injury, then you will feel pain in your legs. The pain is mostly considered to be sharp and burning. The pain is usually more when you are active, unlike when you are rested. Factors such as sneezing or coughing can worsen the pain as they put pressure on the pressed nerves.

2. Tingling

Tingling may occur in the affected part, for instance, the legs, arms, or fingers. This may, as a result, affect your ability to perform certain tasks. The tingling results from the nerves sending messages to your brain and thus causing tingling. If you are used to working out, you should consider stopping until the tingling stops.

3. Weakness

You may feel weak in the affected areas; for instance, if it is a herniated disc at the lumbar spine, your legs may be weak, which may cause imbalance. The nerves in the affected areas weaken, which may affect how you hold items and cause you to stumble.

4. Numbness

You may also experience numbness in the affected areas. The nerves are affected, and therefore they may send a message to your brain, thus causing numbness. This feeling can affect your normal movement, and if it persists, you should book an appointment with the doctor.

5. Foot Drop

This is a symptom associated with herniation whereby you experience difficulty lighting your legs when walking. You may also find it hard to stand on the balls of your feet, and this may be caused by having a herniated disc.

6. Pain that Changes Location

Another key symptom to look out for is pain that changes location. You may be experiencing pain at the back of your thigh and pain in your back the next week. If the pain keeps on changing positions from your calf, your toes to your buttocks, then you may have a herniated disc. If this keeps on recurring, it is advisable to visit a doctor and be checked.

You can avoid a herniated disc in various ways, such as living a healthy lifestyle. You should also maintain a good posture and avoid lifting very heavy things. If you experience any or some of the symptoms above, you should seek immediate medical attention to prevent the condition from worsening. Even if you think it’s a minor medical issue, leaving a herniated disc untreated could result in further damage or medical issues.

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