Currently, exciting and novel uses of AI are everywhere. ChatGPT and image creation systems are interesting to talk about and fun and useful no matter who you are. Yet AI has been around working in the background of countless systems for years. Algorithms, analytic, and language processing are all essential to life today.
AI, while interesting, is also practical. As businesses grow and more people exist on the planet, datasets are becoming massive. Today, the only way to parse them is through the use of things like AI. In the past it was incredibly hard to process unorganized and unstructured data. AI is rapidly changing this.
AI has the unique power of interpreting data beyond context. New language models can scan not only across different languages, but also format and document type. This means data can be collected and conclusions drawn from a variety of documents from a variety of different countries. It’s not as instantly entertaining as something like ChatGPT, but is rapidly changing day to day operations.
It’s not just the organization either though as AI can provide systematic action and analytics on the data it organizes. If an AI wants to analyze home prices it could give general statistics on selling price, naturally. Yet today AI can also analyze factors as specific as tree type and the exact street to determine home value. It’s information that was always available, but never able to be interpreted so intricately before.
This is the power of modern AI. Organization, on the surface level sounding like a relatively small deal, is incredibly important. There’s more complex data than ever, it’s only through the use of AI that it will be useful. Year after year AI is growing in use, and year after year it enters more and more businesses. Understanding its uses, it’s not hard to understand why.
Learn more about what’s next for business AI use such as advanced document understanding in the infographic below: