As the current world-wide medical emergency deepens, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that registered nurses are going to be in even greater demand. But the far-sighted professional nurse will understand that the current pandemic will eventually have an end, and when that happy moment arrives, nurses will once again fall back into a competitive world where being proactive will be the only way to protect and enhance your nursing career.
Here are just a few ideas and suggestions to help professional nurses maintain and increase their standing in the medical community.
The wise nursing professional will make sure to be a member of at least one professional nursing association. The choices are many, and the professional nurse should carefully consider which professional nursing organization will be the best fit. The National League of Nursing is popular on both the East and West coasts, while the American Nurses Association and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing are very strong in the South and Midwest. Belonging to one of these will help you keep updated on the latest trends in your branch of nursing. And the networking opportunities will be helpful, once conventions are back on the agenda.
Keep track of your overtime and volunteer time. As a nurse, you play a unique and vital role in the current pandemic. Everyone already acknowledges that, but once again the smart nurse will make sure to keep track of his or her overtime and extracurricular activities so when she or he comes up for review the record will speak for itself when it comes to asking for a substantial raise.
Don’t ever stop getting certified in new areas, or recertified in areas where you may have let your expertise lapse, such as a wound care specialist certification. Sometimes this is mandatory, but often it’s left up to the individual to set their own pace. Set the bar high and you’ll see your salary upgraded by appreciative hospital management.