How to Know When Your Business Is Big Enough to Need Full-Time IT Support

There comes a time when your business is big enough to need full-time information technology support. This point in the life of your business, however, isn’t always obvious and can sneak up on you unexpectedly. Here are some things to consider:

Have You Gone From Part-time Employees to Full-time Employees?

If you went from one full-time employee to two full-time employees, for example, chances are good that your company needs full-time information technology support. Chances are also high that if your company continues growing to three or four full-time employees and what happens when you grow from five full-time employees all the way up to 20 full-time employees? You definitely need full-time IT support.

Have You Gone From Not Having an Office to Renting Space?

If your business had been operating out of a home office and then, one day, it gave away the spare bedroom and started renting real estate in an office building, full-time information technology support is now needed. If your company continues growing to the point where it no longer fits into its new rental property, full-time IT support will be necessary as well. What happens when you grow from three full-times all the way up to 20 full-time employees? You definitely need full-time IT support.

Have Your Needs Changed, Requiring Additional Software and Equipment?

Perhaps your business originally started with a full-time employee using a desktop computer in their home office, using a single online service for everything from billing to customer relationship management to time tracking. Today, you have full-time employees in two locations and full-time employees who travel. Your full-time employee uses three computers, two different online services for bills and CRM, and has an entire cabinet full of office equipment that isn’t needed at the other location or when they’re on the road. In this situation, you need full-time IT support because your needs have changed and what happens when you add another full-timer? You absolutely need full-time IT support (not to mention full-time IT staff).

Are You Starting to Run Into Issues Due to the Size and Age of Your Infrastructure?

If your company’s infrastructure is outdated and if bandwidth limitations are preventing full-timers from telecommuting at least occasionally, full-time IT support will be necessary. Remember: the longer you wait, the more money you’ll end up spending on something that should have been done right in the first place and what happens when a server fails or a hard drive dies? You definitely need full-time IT support.

There comes a time when your business is big enough to need full-time information technology support. Don’t wait until after it’s too late and you’ve had problems for months or years before finally taking action. This point in the life of your business, however, isn’t always obvious and can sneak up on you unawares. If this sounds like your situation, PRO Technology Professionals would love the opportunity to help! Contact them today at 773-985-6086 for more information about their services and how they can assist you.

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