Pros and Cons with Working on Commission

Pros and Cons with Working on Commission

In this blog post, entrepreneur Alexander Djerassi discusses the pros and cons of working for a commission. He provides his insights based on his personal experience with commission-based work.


1. It can be very motivating: When working on commission, the motivation to do best comes from the income directly tied to the performance. This can be a good thing if one is self-motivated and thrives under pressure.

2. Control over income: In most cases, the amount of money earned is directly proportional to the work done. This gives the worker a lot of control over how much they earn. This can be great for those who are looking to make more money.

3. Entrepreneurial skills can be developed: According to Djerassi, working on a commission can help develop entrepreneurial skills, such as salesmanship and marketing. When working on commission, one has to be proactive in finding and marketing their products or services.

4. Independence: When working on commission, one is typically more independent than when working for a salary. This can be great for those who enjoy working independently and being in control of their work.

5. Less monotony: Working on commission can help break up the monotony of a traditional job. This is because the work is usually more varied, and there is more opportunity to be creative. This can be refreshing for those looking for a change of pace from the usual nine-to-five grind.


1. Income can be volatile: The income is based on sales performance; therefore, it can be pretty volatile. This means that one may have months where they make a lot of money and months where they don’t make as much. This can be difficult to budget for and stressful if one is not used to it.

2. Pressure to work long hours: Because the income is based on performance, there is often pressure to work long hours. This can be difficult for those who have family or other commitments.

3. The feeling of always working: Because the income is based on sales, there is often a feeling of always working. This can be challenging to manage and can lead to burnout. Additionally, it can be challenging to balance your personal life and make it hard to relax.

4. Seen as high risk: Banks and other financial institutions often see one as high risk when working on commission. This is because the income is not as stable as someone who has a traditional job. This can make it difficult to get loans or other forms of credit.

5. Encourage unethical behavior: The pressure to sell can sometimes encourage unethical behavior. People may be tempted to cut corners or make false promises to make a sale. This can be damaging to your reputation and can lead to legal problems.

5. Stress: Working on commission can be stressful, especially if one is not used to it. Pressure from the superiors or clients to increase the bottom line can put a lot of strain on both the mental and physical well-being of an individual.
Alexander Djerassi provides his insights based on his personal experience with commission-based work. He makes some valid points, both positive and negative. It’s important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Most importantly, find a balance that works best for you and your lifestyle.

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