Several years ago, the topic of artificial intelligence was reserved for the big screen. There were some hugely successful movies on the topic – but mainly because it seemed like such an utterly farfetched concept.
Well, haven’t times changed. AI is growing at an unbelievably fast pace and is slowly starting to eek its way into our homes, work life and general daily life as well. Through today’s article, we are going to look at just how it is managing to do this across all three areas.
What does AI look like at home?
In some ways, this is one of the easiest parts of life that we have become to get our head around.
AI in the home has become almost normal. It might be the refrigerator which assesses what food is left in your home and places online orders appropriately. Or, it might be the car sat in your garage, waiting to drive YOU to a destination of your choice.
Nowadays, every room in the house has some form of smart tech. Sure, there are a few murmurs of people not being overly pleased about the so-called invasive nature of this technology but like it or not, most of us have welcomed it into our home pretty quickly.
Going forward, things are only going to become more advanced. Your coffee will be made for you as you land in the kitchen on a morning, while your room temperature will be dictated by your body’s internal measures. In short, the smart home as you know it is just the tip of the iceberg.
What about at work?
Unsurprisingly, things are happening quick in the workplace as well. Automation is becoming the buzzword of a lot of industries, and some people are being forced to learn new skills in a bid to defend against this threat.
This is something that is seemingly scaling itself as well. For example, automation may have once been a huge investment, but in some industries it has now become a pay-as-you-go model. In other words, companies can quickly bring in these systems as and when they need.
In short, this is something that is only going one way. Companies know that artificial intelligence results in efficiencies and ultimately, this is what is going to drive their profit lines. Another example is by integrating a contract management software into the operations for contract analysis. By doing such, the company easily identifies weak points and other inefficiencies that may have been holding the company back.
How is day-to-day life affected by AI?
This final area is one that probably isn’t considered quite as much. However, if you look hard enough, there are some fascinating stories of artificial intelligence starting to take over lives.
For example, we have already seen an instance of AI finding a new antibiotic. This wasn’t a small find either; the antibiotic in question is able to take on superbugs.
Then, there was the story of Abu Dhabi creating an artificial intelligence university.
Or, if we look on a smaller (but still almightily impressive scale) there is an Amazon employee who made an AI-powered cat flap which identified whether his cat was bringing home dead animals or not. If it was, it wouldn’t be allowed through the door!
As you can see the uses for AI in a general sense are far and wide and provide a fascinating insight into how this will pan out in future years.