Top Super food Beverages to Keep You Healthy and Fit

Staying healthy and maintaining the body and lifestyle you want can be a real struggle. Especially if you’re anything like me. Motivating yourself to keep up with diets, workout schedules, and sleep schedules can be nigh impossible. When it comes to staying healthy, remaining active is definitely one of the most important things that you can do to keep yourself in shape. Using your muscles frequently is the best way to see improvement.

However, staying active alone isn’t enough to keep you progressing as you’d like. Just like working out, diet itself also isn’t enough by itself. Eating healthy but sitting around all day without doing anything active is going to wield little to no results. Of course, this isn’t a workout post, so here are some of the best beverages that you can drink in an active lifestyle to help keep you healthy and fit. 

Baba Greens

Baba Greens is a lesser known brand, but is one of the best. Comprised of a mix of various greens such as alfalfa, spinach, broccoli, spirulina, wheat and barley grass, and chlorella, it may not sound like the most appetizing drink right off the bat, however literally everyone I’ve talked too that has tried it has LOVED the taste! There are 2 delicious flavors available, Juicy Tangerine, and Sweet Berry. It also has fibers such as apple pectin and flax seed, antioxidants like green tea leaf, maca root, carrot powder, goji berry extract, beet root, and rose hips. Now that’s a lot of ingredients.

But it isn’t over yet! Baba Greens also includes FOS, or fructo oligosaccharide (from chicory root) as a probiotic, and various fruits like acai berry, raspberry, pineapple, and acerola cherry to deliver you the best tasting, possibly healthiest beverage you can get your hands on. It’s also priced at only a dollar per serving, which is pretty good for everything it has in it if you ask me. Baba Greens benefits are many and varying, but here are just a few: 

  • Healthy weight loss
  • Detoxifying your body
  • Incredible boost to your immune system.


While Baba Greens is our favorite and best tasting, these brands are ok too. Orgain is an experienced business when it comes to making health oriented beverages. They have a couple different protein powder mixes, and remain fully organic and vegan. Much like baba greens, the orgain superfoods mix is pretty affordable, and contains 50 different organic ingredients. Some of the most notable of these include turmeric, spinach, amaranth, flax, beets, and ginger. Needless to say, if you’re looking for a good bang for your buck, orgain is definitely a competitor when it comes to an affordable superfood beverage that’s absolutely jam-packed full of nutrients. 


BioSchwartz is another great super food mix, comprising of around 46 different ingredients. Unlike the other two on this list, bioschwarts has a much larger emphasis on vitamins. With three servings of vegetables in each scoop, it goes without saying that this beverage is densely packed with vitamins and minerals. Specifically, this mix has a high concentration of Vitamin B12, and Vitamin C. 

Vitality CBD

Vitality CBD is an excellent company to check out if you are looking for healthy supplements to implement in your diet. They have Water Soluble CBD oils and tinctures are infused with 100% organic cbd and are completely free of gluten, sugar, and soy. They are reputable and consistant with quality, which can be difficult to find in the CBD industry.

At the end of the day, there are a lot of different organic super food beverages to pick from, and it’s all about finding out which one is right for you. Making sure you get the vitamins, minerals, and foods you need to help maintain your lifestyle is the most important part of picking a mix.

Bonus: Have you heard of vitamin IV therapy? It is a little known therapy, that is gaining in popularity and assists in providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Check it out today!

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