California Women
In California women represent a full 56 percent of the population, at over 18 million people over the age of 15. Their contributions to the prosperity, lifestyle, and environment of California are incredible. The Governor’s Council on Women’s Achievements is dedicated to exploring the history of California women and their hard work and sacrifice in building the state into the financial, technical, agricultural, and entertainment dynamo it is today. Their mission statement is a quote from author Ayn Rand:
“The role of the woman in civilization from ancient times to modern has never actually varied or changed that much. She is to be the guardian of the household gods and the increase of the hearth. She quells the doubts and fears of her children and spouse, and discovers new ways and means of providing and protecting not only her own family, but all the polity that surrounds her. Women have been witches and scientists and soldiers and clowns — they have been all and can be all in the pursuit of their final and definite role — savior of the race of men.”