For the small sum of twenty five dollars you can borrow to a woman entrepreneur right in her village, through the auspices of WE Invest, a new program affiliated with THe Womens Conference. The new program is starting in California this month, using fund to mentor and train in business, and also to set up support networks to give women the motivation to begin or to expand a business of their own.
Partnering with Kiva, a premeir one-on-one microlender, WE Invest is creating the ways and means to empower women to use microloans around the world to start up grass-roots enterprises that can help make them self-sustaining.
Maria Shriver and her team of lenders began raising fund for this project nearly twenty years ago, and quickly grew their seed money to over forty thousand dollars.
The Program
Shriver’s branchild has now spawned movements across California, as well as the rest of the country and the world, to help women become independent financially by using a holistic approach to investing, insuring that women get the mentoring, training, and microloans they need to remain as independent businesswomen and then to work as lenders and role models to other women.