Expert Raccoon Control Solutions for Your Home

A raccoon trying to enter a house through a small opening in the roof

Are pesky raccoons causing havoc in your home? Don’t worry, we have the expert raccoon control solutions you need to keep your home safe and secure. Our professional raccoon removal services, humane trapping techniques, and effective critter control strategies will ensure a raccoon-free environment for you and your family.

At Wildlife Control Services, we understand the nuisance and potential dangers posed by raccoons. That’s why our expert team is committed to delivering top-notch raccoon control services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s removing raccoons from your property or implementing preventive measures, we’ve got you covered.

With our raccoon exclusion methods and expert nuisance wildlife removal techniques, we’ll help you reclaim your home and prevent future raccoon infestations. Our raccoon prevention techniques focus on sealing entry points, installing secure fencing, and removing attractants, ensuring raccoons stay away.

Don’t let raccoons take over your home. Trust the professionals at Wildlife Control Services for reliable raccoon control solutions that are both effective and humane.

Key Takeaways:

  • Professional raccoon removal services ensure safe and effective removal of raccoons from your property.
  • Humane trapping techniques prioritize the well-being of raccoons during the removal process.
  • Raccoon exclusion methods, such as sealing entry points and installing secure fencing, help prevent future infestations.
  • Regular inspections and habitat modifications can reduce the risk of raccoon invasions.
  • Seek expert assistance when dealing with raccoon control to ensure long-lasting protection for your home.

Understanding Raccoon Behavior and Habits

Before implementing raccoon control strategies, it is crucial to have a good understanding of their behavior and habits. By gaining insight into how these critters behave, their nesting habits, preferred food sources, and common entry points they use to access homes, you can effectively address raccoon infestations. This knowledge will enable you to implement appropriate and humane raccoon trapping methods, along with other wildlife control services for expert nuisance wildlife removal.

Raccoon Behavior:

Raccoons are highly adaptable creatures and are known for their intelligence. They are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. By understanding their behavior, homeowners can better anticipate their movements and adapt raccoon control methods accordingly.

Raccoon Nesting Habits:

Raccoons prefer nesting in secluded areas that offer protection from predators and the elements. Common nesting sites include attics, chimneys, crawl spaces, and sheds. By identifying their preferred nesting areas, homeowners can focus raccoon control efforts to these specific locations.

Raccoon Food Sources:

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide range of food. Their diet includes fruits, nuts, berries, insects, small rodents, bird eggs, and garbage. They are also attracted to unsecured pet food, compost piles, and open garbage cans. By removing these attractants, homeowners can reduce the likelihood of raccoon infestations.

Raccoon Entry Points:

Raccoons are skilled climbers and can easily access homes through various entry points. Common entry points include roof vents, chimneys, loose or damaged siding, and open windows or doors. Identifying and securing these entry points is crucial in preventing raccoons from gaining access to your home.

Understanding raccoon behavior and habits is an essential step in effective raccoon control. By combining this knowledge with humane raccoon trapping techniques, wildlife control services, and expert nuisance wildlife removal, homeowners can successfully mitigate raccoon infestations and protect their homes.

Professional Raccoon Removal Services

When dealing with raccoon infestations, it’s crucial to seek professional help to ensure safe and effective removal. Hiring experts in professional raccoon removal and expert nuisance wildlife removal provides numerous benefits, including:

  1. Experience and Expertise: Professional wildlife removal services have extensive experience in handling raccoons and addressing raccoon-related issues. Their expertise enables them to identify and understand raccoon behavior, nesting habits, and entry points, allowing for targeted and effective removal strategies.
  2. Ethical and Humane Trapping Techniques: Professional raccoon removal services prioritize the ethical treatment of raccoons during the trapping process. They employ humane trapping techniques that prioritize the animal’s safety while effectively removing them from your property. These techniques ensure that raccoons are not harmed or distressed during the removal process.
  3. Thorough Removal: Professional raccoon removal services go beyond simply trapping and removing raccoons. They conduct thorough inspections to identify and address all potential entry points, preventing future infestations. By addressing the root cause of the problem, they provide lasting solutions that protect your property from raccoon reinfestation.

By enlisting the services of professionals specializing in professional raccoon removal and expert nuisance wildlife removal, you can have peace of mind knowing that your raccoon problem will be handled effectively and safely.

Benefits of Professional Raccoon Removal Services
Experience and Expertise
Ethical and Humane Trapping Techniques
Thorough Removal

Humane Raccoon Trapping Techniques

In order to ensure the well-being of raccoons during the removal process, it is crucial to utilize humane trapping techniques. Professionals in wildlife control services employ various methods to safely trap and relocate raccoons, minimizing stress and harm. Here, we will explore the most effective and ethical practices for humane raccoon trapping.

Live Cage Traps

Live cage traps are commonly used by expert nuisance wildlife removal services for humane raccoon trapping. These traps are designed to capture raccoons without causing them any harm. By baiting the trap with enticing food, such as fruits or nuts, professionals can lure the raccoons into the cage. Once trapped, the raccoon can then be relocated to a more suitable habitat away from residential areas.

Bait Selection

Choosing the right bait is essential for successful raccoon trapping. Professionals often opt for foods that raccoons are naturally drawn to, such as sweet-smelling fruits or peanut butter. This entices the raccoons into the trap, increasing the likelihood of success. However, it is important to note that the use of bait must adhere to local laws and regulations, ensuring that it does not pose a threat to other wildlife or become a nuisance itself.

Best Practices for Catching and Relocating Raccoons Safely

  • Create a calm and quiet environment around the trap to minimize stress on the raccoon.
  • Regularly check the traps to prevent raccoons from being trapped for extended periods.
  • Handle trapped raccoons with care and avoid direct contact to minimize the risk of injury or disease transmission.
  • Ensure the relocation site is suitable for raccoons, providing access to food, water, and shelter.
  • Follow local regulations and guidelines for the safe and legal relocation of raccoons.

Humane trapping techniques are not only effective in removing raccoons from residential areas but also prioritize the well-being of these animals. It allows for a peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife, ensuring that raccoons are safely relocated to more suitable habitats.

Raccoon Exclusion and Prevention Methods

Raccoon infestations can be a nuisance and pose potential risks to your property. Implementing effective raccoon exclusion methods and prevention techniques is crucial to maintaining a raccoon-free environment. In this section, we will explore various strategies to keep raccoons away from your home and prevent future infestations.

Sealing Entry Points

One of the most important steps in raccoon control is sealing any potential entry points to your home. Raccoons can squeeze through small openings, so ensure that all gaps in your walls, roof, windows, and doors are properly sealed. Use durable materials such as steel mesh or hardware cloth to cover vents and openings, preventing raccoons from accessing your property.


Pro Tip: Conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify any hidden entry points that raccoons could exploit. Pay special attention to areas around chimneys, attics, and crawl spaces, as raccoons are known to utilize these spaces for nesting.

Installing Secure Fencing

Another effective raccoon exclusion method is installing secure fencing around your property. Use sturdy materials such as wire mesh or chain link to create a barrier that prevents raccoons from entering. Make sure the fence is at least 4 to 6 feet high and bury it at least 12 inches below the ground to deter raccoons from digging underneath.


Pro Tip: To further enhance the effectiveness of your fencing, consider adding an electric wire or an overhang to prevent raccoons from climbing or jumping over the fence.

Removing Attractants

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and are attracted to easily accessible food sources. To reduce the risk of raccoon infestations, remove any potential attractants from your property. Store garbage in secure containers with tight-fitting lids, feed pets indoors, and clean up any fallen fruit or birdseed. By eliminating these food sources, you can discourage raccoons from visiting your property.


Pro Tip: Consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers in areas where raccoons are frequently seen. The sudden activation of these devices can startle raccoons and discourage them from returning to your property.

Habitat Modification and Regular Inspections

Modifying your property’s habitat can also help prevent raccoon infestations. Trim tree branches away from your house to prevent raccoons from accessing your roof or upper levels. Additionally, ensure that your yard is well-maintained, with no overgrown vegetation or debris that could serve as hiding spots for raccoons.


Pro Tip: Perform regular inspections of your property to identify any signs of raccoon activity, such as tracks, droppings, or damaged areas. Early detection can help you address potential infestations promptly.

By implementing these raccoon exclusion methods and prevention techniques, you can effectively safeguard your home from raccoon infestations. Remember, if you’re facing persistent raccoon problems, it’s always best to seek professional wildlife control services. They have the expertise and experience to handle raccoon issues efficiently and humanely.



In conclusion, effective raccoon control requires a combination of professional expertise and proactive preventive measures. By understanding raccoon behavior and habits, hiring reliable professional raccoon removal services, implementing humane trapping techniques, and utilizing exclusion and prevention methods, you can successfully protect your home from raccoon infestations.

Raccoons are intelligent and adaptable creatures, known for their skills in finding food and shelter. To effectively address raccoon control, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of their behavior. This knowledge allows homeowners to implement targeted strategies to deter raccoons from their properties.

When dealing with raccoon infestations, seeking the assistance of professional raccoon removal services is crucial. These experts have the necessary experience and training to handle raccoons safely and effectively. Additionally, they employ ethical trapping techniques that prioritize the well-being of the raccoons while ensuring their removal from your property.

To prevent future raccoon infestations, implementing raccoon exclusion methods is vital. This involves identifying and sealing potential entry points, installing secure fencing, and removing attractants that may entice raccoons to your property. Regular inspections and habitat modifications can also aid in minimizing the risk of raccoon presence, enhancing long-term critter control.


What are the signs of a raccoon infestation in my home?

Signs of a raccoon infestation may include loud thumping or scratching noises in the attic or walls, damaged roof shingles or vents, torn garbage bags, overturned trash cans, and evidence of food or feces around your property.

Can I remove raccoons from my property on my own?

It is not recommended to remove raccoons on your own, as they can be aggressive and carry diseases. It is best to hire professional raccoon removal services to ensure safe and effective removal.

How do professional raccoon removal services handle raccoon infestations?

Professional raccoon removal services use ethical and humane trapping techniques to safely remove raccoons from your property. They also ensure thorough removal to prevent future reinfestation.

What are humane trapping techniques for raccoons?

Humane trapping techniques for raccoons include using live cage traps, selecting appropriate baits, and relocating the captured raccoons to suitable habitats.

How can I prevent raccoon infestations?

To prevent raccoon infestations, you can implement raccoon exclusion methods such as sealing entry points, installing secure fencing, removing attractants, and conducting regular property inspections. Habitat modification can also discourage raccoons from frequenting your property.

Can raccoons cause damage to my property?

Yes, raccoons can cause extensive damage to your property. They may damage roofing, insulation, attic components, and electrical systems. They can also destroy gardens, cause structural damage, and pose health risks to humans and pets.

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