Is LSD dangerous? Find Out Here

LSD, also known as lysergic acid diethylamide, is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. It was synthesized by a Swiss chemist in 1938 as a cure for respiratory depression. However, it was only in 1943 that its hallucinogenic properties were discovered.

Since the 1960s, LSD has been used for recreational reasons. Although it is an illegal drug, LSD continues to capture the interest of researchers and entertainment seekers due to its unbelievably profound effects on the human mind.

Therefore, besides helping people go beyond the normal boundaries of the human mind, you may wonder, is LSD dangerous? What are the effects, potential dangers, and long-term risks associated with LSD consumption? Read on to find out.

What is LSD?

LSD is a lab-manufactured drug synthesized from ergot fungus, normally found in grains. It is generally consumed through the mouth but can also be absorbed through the skin. This odorless and colorless drug creates intense hallucinations that alter the mind. Users of LSD often experience changes in how they perceive one or more of the five senses, from sight to taste, with vivid hallucinations and alterations in time and space. Some even describe tasting sounds and smelling colors. 

Is LSD dangerous in terms of its effects?

LSD is a highly potent drug with long-lasting effects lasting up to 12 hours. The physical effects of LSD can vary from one user to another and even between trips. Physical effects may include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • High body temperature even on cold days
  • Numbness
  • Dilated pupils
  • Weak muscles

LSD can have extreme psychological effects as it distorts the senses due to its interaction with serotonin receptors in the brain. The drug can alter one’s perception of reality, cognition, and emotions. Users often report intensified colors and patterns, strange flashbacks, and strong mental and emotional effects that can last weeks or months, even after discontinuing usage.

How is LSD dangerous?

The danger of LSD lies in its psychological effects. This is due to the unpredictability of the episode or “trip.” While some users may have positive experiences, usually called “good trips,” others encounter distressing and frightening episodes called “bad trips.” LSD is even dangerous when used occasionally but in large quantities. 

Is LSD dangerous for your cognitive function?

Due to its effects on an individual’s mental health, LSD can lead to unusual and harmful behavior that can result in injuries. Extended LSD use may also lead to memory loss and concentration difficulties. Sometimes, users may develop long-term psychosis, schizophrenia, severe disorientation, and worsening of pre-existing mental health conditions.

Furthermore, although LSD does not typically lead to addiction, its users may develop severe psychological dependence. This refers to the feeling that one needs the drug to feel normal or even function. This dependence can be stronger than physical withdrawal symptoms experienced in other drugs.

Understanding The Dangers Of LSD

While the physical effects of LSD are not as toxic as with other drugs, the danger is in how it impacts the mind. LSD can induce extreme changes in perceptions, and the effects can be unpredictable. It also poses dangers to users under the influence as they may have impaired judgment that can put them in dangerous situations or engage in activities that could harm them. Although rare, some individuals may experience spontaneous flashbacks as if they are still under the influence of the drug. These flashbacks can be distressing and interfere with daily functioning. If you or someone you know is struggling with LSD use, seeking professional help is essential for sustained recovery.

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